India’s first ever center for advanced biofuels and biocommodities created


In India, the Department of Biotechnology, Ministry of Science & Technology, Government of India and The Energy and Research Institute (TERI) are setting up India’s first ever DBT–TERI Centre for Integrated Production of Advanced Biofuels and Bio commodities. This is also the DBT’s fifth Centre of Excellence in Bioenergy.

DBT Secretary Dr Renu Swarup said that “we are looking this project not only to carry out R&D research work but with creation of products in the area of bio-commodities and bioenergy that can be finally commercialized as well.” She further added that “India has a strong biofuel policy and the upcoming centre will definitely add to the strengthening of capacity building approach of the Department in particular and country as a whole.”

Energy Bioscience is one of the key areas of Department of Biotechnology (DBT). This program is being supported through various schemes and major emphasis is on development of Next generation bio-fuels. DBT has established a large network of more than 100 scientists in the country, who are working to realize the goals set in National Biofuel Policy. Efforts continued to support the R&D toward development of cost-effective next generation bio-fuels like algal biodiesel, cellulosic ethanol, bio butanol and bio hydrogen.