Food Loss Challenge Asia has 20 new start-ups in competition


In Singapore, Food Loss Challenge Asia announced the 20 start-ups for the October pitch round with the Top-5 going to the Finale in November 2018.

“The startups demonstrated an ability to deploy their technology with the awareness of how it would add value to their end-users,” says Arindom Datta, Asia Head of Sustainability Banking, and member of the Food Loss Challenge Asia project team. “Whilst the 127 solutions put forth addressed pain points along the food value chain, notably logistics, storage and refrigeration, many focused on enabling data-driven farm management especially for the small holder farming community. Many startups are trying to provide critical holistic solutions addressing the issue of food loss integrating diverse players in the supply chain.”

Taking on the global problem of food loss through the Food Loss Challenge Asia, Rabobank aims to look for solutions with its partners to address the global problem of food loss.