Inari emerges to reduce plant breeding time and cost


In Massachusetts, Inari, a Flagship Pioneering company headquartered in Cambridge, launched a transformational plant breeding technology company. Inari began in early 2016 and has since recruited more than 80 leading research scientists and academic advisors from a range of diverse horizons.

Inari is led by CEO Ponsi Trivisvavet, formerly with Indigo. Trivisvavet said, “I am thrilled to be working with exceptional people at Inari focusing on transforming plant breeding technologies and applying them to address innovation challenges. Our scientists have a great breadth and depth of genomics, biology, agronomy and data science knowledge.”

Inari aims to substantially reduce plant breeding time and cost. Its unique combination of biological and data sciences provides its scientists and plant breeding partners unprecedented capabilities in developing new varieties adapted for local environments with greater precision and efficiency. This approach aims to reduce the land, water and other inputs required for producing food and feed.