Mango-based film keeps chicken fresh for fortnight


In India, researchers have developed antimicrobial food packaging from mango peel extracts and three other biodegradable polymers.

The team from Bhabha Atomic Research Centre demonstrated that the packaging film kept chicken fresh for two weeks without bacteria formation.

Four mango varieties were used. Of them, Langra was most effective at inhibiting Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas fluorescens. Polyvinyl alcohol, gelatin, and cyclodextrin were also used to produce the film. “All the ingredients are biodegradable, and the new film can be a viable option for developing new eco-friendly packaging material,” Sweetie R. Kanatt, Senior Scientific Officer from the Food Technology Division of the Centre, tells The Hindu. “Also, India is one of the highest producers of mango, and the peel, which is usually thrown away, has higher phenolic content than the pulp and can serve as a good antioxidant.”

Chicken wrapped in conventional polythene film exhibited bacterial contamination within three days.

The work was published in a recent issue of Food Safety.