Kraig Biocraft completes more than 2,500 spider silk microinjections


In Michigan, Kraig Biocraft Laboratories, Inc. completed more than 2,500 microinjections using the recently announced new spider silk DNA synthesis methodology. This new method allows for faster creation of larger and more complex spider silk proteins. Larger and more complex proteins are believed to produce improved silk strength, toughness, and elasticity. These improved recombinant spider silk fibers will allow the Company to target an expanded set of end market applications.

To support this expanded research and development capability, the Company added two laboratory staff for increased testing throughput. The additional lab staff members have been trained and have conducted the majority of the microinjection effort.

The transgenics created using the new protocols are expected to be transitioned into Prodigy Textiles’, the Company’s recently announced Vietnamese subsidiary, commercial production process.

“Thanks to our lab and production teams’ considerable collaborative effort, this new methodology has already demonstrated the potential to significantly reduce our development timelines. To see it put into practice so quickly and to have already completed the first 2,500 test microinjections is very impressive,” said Jon Rice, COO.