Outdoor sports enthusiasts driving demand for biobased fabrics


In France, technical materials manufacturer Porcher Industries says demand for its low-density cellulose fibers from the sports equipment industry is increasing.

In an interview with Inside Composites, Porcher Industries’ Sports and Leisure sales manager Arnaud Bouquet said the company’s Greenlite material has been a hit with outdoor sports enthusiasts serious about environmental sustainability. “GreenLite is a 100% biobased cellulose fabric, which is fully biodegradable and recyclable,” Bouquet says. “The difference it offers in comparison to other biocomposites currently on the market is that the fiber is continuous, which makes it an outstanding reinforcement with no compromise on the mechanical properties of the final composite product. It has a much higher modulus than flax and hemp, and it is very reproducible.”

The manufacturing process is also sustainable. “[T]he product is also very compatible with bio-based epoxy resins. With reinforced thermoplastic composites, the recycling of the material is infinite, which is what makes it so appealing. It is 100% bio-based, and when combined with the matrix – whether thermoplastic or a biobased epoxy – then you have brought the composite solutions to a new level in terms of sustainability,” Bouquet adds.