Energias Renovables and APPA criticize report that slams biofuels certification systems


In Spain, Energias Renovables responds to the recent Changing Markets Foundation report that slammed certification systems saying they do nothing to slow down deforestation, the drainage of peatlands or the loss of biodiversity. Energias Renovables said that both ISCC and RSB, which are sustainability schemes recognized by the European Commission, were recognized in the report as the examples to follow, but criticized RSPO and their approach to indirect land use change, which directly impacts the biodiesel sector.

“The report is seriously out of focus and reaches the wrong conclusions,” Manuel Bustos, director of the biofuels section of the Association of Renewable Energy Companies (APPA) told Energias Renovables. “Sustainability certification systems are an important step in the right direction to ensure that one hundred percent of palm oil production is produced in a sustainable manner,” says Bustos.