Databases help consumers identify, qualify biobased products


In Isle of Man, has published a list of resources for consumers looking for certified biobased products such as apparel made from milk, wood, or coffee grounds; shoes from algae; disposable tableware from palm leaves; toys from bioplastic; compostable plastic bags; and personal care products from plants, among others.

The recently launched InnProBio product database presents various biobased products sorted by application area, product type, and common procurement vocabulary code. Users can also ascertain information about the products’ biobased content, sustainability, functionality and end-of-life aspects, according to the website.

Nachwachsende Rohstoffe im Einkauf, led by Fachagentur Nachwachsende Rohstoffe e.V. has produced a list largely geared toward public procurers in Germany. Its website includes over 600 products in six product categories.

There are several databases in the Netherlands, although each remains relatively small. singles out CoE BBE’s Bio-based Collection, the Knowledge Bank Bio-based Construction of the Stichting Agrodome, and the biobased product database newly established by Agro & Chemie.