Cherry tomatoes maintain quality when grown with half the water


In Spain, researchers at the University of Seville published a study showing that when reducing the water used to water cherry tomato crops by more than 50 percent, the product not only maintains its quality, both commercially and nutritionally, but it also increases the level of carotenoids, compounds of great interest in the food-processing industry.  In addition to being natural colorings, some are Vitamin-A precursors, which are beneficial for health and have cosmetic uses.

“This is not about using half the water for no reason, but rather studying the water status of the plants and, knowing their needs, watering the crop in the right way and at the best time,” explains the Agroforestry Sciences teacher Mireia Corell.

Over three years, the researchers analyzed two varieties of cherry tomatoes and other new types of tomatoes, in both autumn and spring cycles in ETSIA’s own fields using the controlled watering deficit technique.