State of the Advanced Bioeconomy 2018 – an 8-part series


This week in the Digest, we begin a Special 8-part Series: The State of the Advanced Bioeconomy: Challenges and Priorities for 2018.

As we head into the final month before ABLC 2018, these in-depth examinations from a group of renowned industry experts will set the stage for the leadership discussions in Washington DC that will take place throughout ABLC Week. Also, they will establish and lead an online conversation that will take place around the world before, during and after ABLC’s opening and closing.

Synthetic biology? Feedstocks and supply chain? The deployment of fuels and chemicals at scale? The large markets in biogas? We have content for your consideration and consumption.

Our group experts, each of them working as a part of the Lee Enterprises Consulting team and most of them Digest authors in the past year— will be appearing on the ABLC stage as speakers and moderators of sessions in the Renewable Chemicals Summit and Advanced Biofuels Summit, and in a special session we have titled “The Biorefinery of the Future”. These articles will provide a framework for those sessions as we look back and ahead at the advanced bioeconomy, upstream, midstream and downstream.

We begin today with Part 1: Brian Goodall’s opener, Extraction of Valuable Oils from Algae and other Green Plants: Challenges, Opportunities and Commercial Landscape. We’ll continue through this week and next with:

Part 2. John Forcier’s “Case Study: 1MW to 3MW Anaerobic Digester Upgrade in Only 6 Months!

Part 3. Terry Mazanac’s “Advanced Biofuels: Now? Later? Never?

Part 4. Daniel Lane and Joel Stone’s “Innovators Dilemma Revisited in Renewable Chemicals and Materials”.

Part 5. Lorenz Bauer’s “A Decade Later- Advanced Biofuels: Status, Opportunities and Challenges”.

Part 6. Katrina Cornish and Corinne Young’s “Natural Rubber: Viable Industrial BioEconomy Crop, It’s Going to Be Big”.

Part 7. Scott Warfield’s “That was then, This is NOW! or The New Economics of Biogas Projects.”

Part 8. Bob Kodrzycki’s “Biorefineries: Our Synthetic Biology Future.”