Diet biomarkers are strong predictors of type 2 diabetes risk


In Sweden, a study found that diet is one of the strongest predictors of type 2 diabetes risk in older women and that metabolic fingerprints from blood samples could render important new knowledge on the connection between food and health.

Researchers from Chalmers University of Technology and Sahlgrenska Academy, University of Gothenburg found that several diet and nutrient biomarkers – molecules that can be measured in blood that are related to diet – are linked with both risk to have type 2 diabetes and future risk of developing diabetes.

A unique metabolic fingerprint, including many different diet biomarkers, could be linked to each woman at the specific time the sample was taken.  Using this method, it was possible for the first time to objectively determine the impact of key dietary components on future type 2 diabetes risk and to find differences in dietary patterns between women with and without type 2 diabetes.