The Sentera Omni drone captures simultaneous thermal, NDVI and high-resolution crop imagery


In Minnesota, Sentera, a leading designer and manufacturer of remote-sensing technologies for precision agriculture, announced that its Omni quadcopter can capture three distinct crop health data measurements in a single flight: thermal, normalized difference vegetation index and high-resolution RGB. This new capability offers agronomists, crop consultants, advisors, and producers a precise agriculture data capture tool that offers multi-dimensional insights.

While no sensor can diagnose specific diseases in plants, the Sentera Omni with thermal, NDVI, and RGB data-capture capability allows farmers to detect and diagnose issues earlier and more efficiently. For example, a thermal measurement can quickly show where areas within a field are under or over-irrigated.

Kris Poulson, vice president of agriculture for Sentera explains, “The ability to quickly and accurately pinpoint plants that appear to be sick is critical. With this knowledge, users can quickly ground-truth the area and take the appropriate action before a problem potentially gets worse.”