First 100% Plant-Based Renewable Aseptic Carton Pack Developed by SIG


In Switzerland, global food and beverage carton packaging company SIG developed the world’s first 100% plant-based renewable aseptic carton pack, called SIGNATURE PACK. SIG’s new packaging is made from 82% FSC certified wood sourced paperboard and the polymers used for laminating the paperboard and making the spout are from ISCC certified European wood sources, making it 100% sourced from plant-based renewable resources and no fossil fuels. They also offer a 95% plant-based renewable package to handle high-acid products like juices, which need the aluminum layer to protect against the higher acidity contents.

As consumer demand grows for sustainable, non-fossil fuel-based products and packaging, they hope this will help increase SIG’s sales. Aseptic packaging has been a challenge to make more sustainable as the packaging has higher barrier requirements than chilled packages, but SIG has found a way to do it. Aseptic means the product within can be stored without refrigeration – think rectangular milk cartons on the regular shelf.