It’s Not a GMO – It’s Magnetically Altered! Magnetic Technology Increases Algae Yield Making It More Attractive for Market


In Washington, a bio electronics company demonstrated a magnetic frequency technology that alters specific enzyme levels in a type of algae, giving hope for increasing algae production for biofuels and nutritional ingredients which are still very price sensitive. The company, Navitis, hopes this technology will get algae one step closer to getting fully scaled up to market potential. Navitis’s technology is based on an ultra-sensitive magnetometer, called SQUID, originally used in the military. The magnetic field from the SQUID is able to alter the algae cells without genetic modification but really as a simple reaction, that can cause it to produce higher yields. Navitis is considering the technology for other feedstocks as well, including corn seeds, as a way to increase yields without having to genetically modify the seeds and thus avoiding any GMO debate issues.