Hemp is Hopping in South Carolina – Industrial Hemp Farming Now Allowed


In South Carolina, hemp is gaining traction as an agricultural crop now that state legislature and Governor Henry McMaster have passed a bill allowing farmers to grow industrial hemp. More than 30 other states like Kentucky and Tennessee have already allowed industrial hemp farming, but South Carolina’s bill is somewhat limited as it is only issuing 20 farming permits in the coming year, each one only allowing up to 20 acres of industrial hemp farming. Over the next two years, the numbers increase to 50 permits with up to 50 acres each. South Carolina’s weather bodes well for hemp farmers as they can get three and possibly four crop harvests each year, making it a profitable pursuit. While you can’t get high from industrial hemp, it is a useful biomaterial for production of paper products, clothing, biofuels, animal feed, and even biodegradable plastics.