Drink brewed cocoa with your coffee for improved attention and less stress


In New York, a team led by Clarkson University and supported by the Hershey Company found that cocoa and caffeine in combination improve sustained attention. The study was conducted to examine the acute effects of brewed cocoa consumption on attention, motivation to perform cognitive work and feelings of anxiety, energy and fatigue.

In a nearly year-long double-blind study, test subjects drank brewed cocoa, cocoa with caffeine, caffeine without cocoa, and a placebo with neither caffeine nor cocoa. Then they were asked to do tests to evaluate both cognitive tasks and mood.

Clarkson University researcher Ali Boolani said, “The results of the tests are definitely promising and show that cocoa and caffeine are good choices for students and anyone else who needs to improve sustained attention.  Cocoa increases cerebral blood flow, which increases cognition and attention. Caffeine alone can increase anxiety. This particular project found that cocoa lessens caffeine’s anxiety-producing effects.”