Higher dietary protein intake, animal or vegetable, improves muscle mass and strength


In Massachusetts, researchers from Hebrew Senior Life’s Institute for Aging Research and University of Massachusetts Lowell discovered that adults with higher intakes of dietary protein from both animals and vegetables see greater benefits in muscle mass and strength. The higher muscle strength and muscle mass occurred regardless of the food sources providing the protein – suggesting that higher protein intake from any protein dense food source – animal or vegetable – can improve muscle health.

Lead author Dr. Kelsey M. Mangano said, “We know that dietary protein can improve muscle mass and strength. However, until now, we did not know if one protein food source was better than another in accomplishing optimal results. This study is significant as it suggest that higher protein intake from any food source will benefit muscle mass and strength in adults.”

These findings are particularly important as age-related musculoskeletal losses can lead to physical disability and increased mortality.