Who’s got hot lignin? The Digest’s 2016 Guide to lignin production and prospects


Lignocellulosic sugars and lignin have become necessary intermediates for advancing research towards economically producing biofuels and bioproducts. Recently, the US Department of Energy issued a Request for Information: Cellulosic Sugar and Lignin Production Capabilities.

The result is this compendium of suppliers who are willing and able to produce and sell cellulosic sugar and/or lignin for use by the research community, which we have Digested and condensed for ease of use.

DOE reminds us that this is not an“all-inclusive list of cellulosic sugar and lignin suppliers, but rather reflect only submissions in response to the Request for Information (RFI) dated July 20, 2016, issued by the U.S. Department of Energy’s Bioenergy Technologies Office, and information subsequently received from suppliers.” The complete DOE files can be found here.

Here, we profile today the 20 producers with the hot lignin.
