Soybean oil sealant technology improves roadways


In Indiana, Environmental Concrete Products, a startup based on a Purdue innovation, with funding for the Indiana Soybean Alliance, uses soybean-derived engineering sealant technology to protect and prolong the life of new and existing concrete to make a smoother ride for travelers and save costs for road upkeep and repairs.

“Our product is different from traditional sealants because it is sprayed on the roadway and actually soaks into the concrete to form a barrier against water,” said Paul Imbrock, an alumnus of Purdue’s College of Engineering and ISA contractor, who was part of the research team that created the bio-based hydrophobic sealant derived from soybeans. “This makes the sealant much more resistant to cracks and damage, plus it does not create a vulnerable chemical film on a road’s surface that can lead to more issues.”

Imbrock and Indiana Soybean Alliance have been working with the Indiana Department of Transportation to use the sealant on roads in Indiana. Imbrock said the bio-based sealant is derived from soybean oil and is safe to handle and apply. Its physical properties also make it possible to be adapted for other potential uses, including a combination paint-and-sealing product. It’s also a cost-effective alternative to common concrete sealants.