Arbiom receives €10.9M in funding and launches new wood to food value chain project


In France, Arbiom received €10.9 million (about $12.8 million) in funding from the Bio-Based Industries Joint Undertaking to demonstrate the production of sustainable feed for aquaculture from forestry material. Arbiom also launched the SYLFEED project to demonstrate the new integrated wood to food value chain. Using Arbiom’s biomass fractionation technology, poorly valorized local hardwood material will be converted into sustainable, protein rich material to be used in aquaculture feed. The €10.9M EU in funding from the European union BBI-JU will support the building of a demonstration plant that will be co-located with Norske Skog Golbey’s pulp and paper site in the east of France.

“The SYLFEED project puts a new spin on the bio-economy: ligno-cellulose is not only a sustainable solution for the chemicals and fuels industries, but now also present us with a scalable and sustainable solution to the world’s growing food sourcing problems in general and Europe’s protein deficit in particular,” said Marc Chevrel, CEO of Arbiom/Biométhodes in their press release.