The Beyond Burger goes to Yale


In California, Beyond Meat, announced that its Beyond Burger will be available at Yale University’s thirteen on-campus dining halls; making the 315-year-old Ivy League institution the first university to carry the plant-based patty on a campus menu.

“With eating trends taking a turn toward plant-based alternatives, we found it prudent to meet our students’ desires with the addition of The Beyond Burger to our on-campus menus,” said Adam Millman, Senior Director of Yale Hospitality, in New Haven, Connecticut.  “Providing this option reflects an understanding of the up-and-coming generation’s evolving dietary preferences in which animal based protein, while important, plays a less prominent role.”

According to the Mintel 2017 Protein Alternatives Report, Millennials select meat alternatives in restaurants at a higher rate than older generations.  Sixty-four percent of Millenials have had meatless burgers and choose alternatives thirty-six percent of the time; while only fourteen percent of Baby Boomers choose meat alternatives.