Is 3-D Printed Meat a Possibility in our Lifetime? Modern Meadow Might Bring Home the Bacon


In New York, Modern Meadow is creating animal-free leather and using a recent $40 million in Series B funding to help scale it up so they can start offering this leather to the market in a few years. They use collagen that they design, grow and assemble themselves into high quality biofabricated leather.

3-D printed meat might just be a reality for Modern Meadow down the road, as companies like 3D Systems Corp. are already creating food like peach Melba using their 3-D ChefJetPro printer. Culinary Institute of America chefs are using the ChefJetPro printer to transform ingredients like sugar and dough into edible masterpieces.

So your 3-D printed roast beef or hamburger may not be too far off. Possibly the best part of this is that it would use less land, water and resources than traditional cattle and other animal raising, making it a sustainable alternative solution.