Nestlé invents a new sugar crystal so that less tastes like more


In Switzerland, Nestlé scientists created a novel structural form for sugar that can be produced using all natural ingredients. At a microscopic level, the change is dramatic – a sugar crystal that is usually cubic is now round. On the tongue, cubic sugar crystals do not always dissolve completely, so you actually consume more sugar than you taste. The discovery will enable Nestlé to significantly decrease the total sugar in its confectionery products, while maintaining a very natural taste.

“This truly groundbreaking research is inspired by nature and has the potential to reduce total sugar by up to 40 percent in our confectionery,” said Stefan Catsicas, Nestlé Chief Technology Officer.

Nestlé is patenting its findings and will begin to use the faster-dissolving sugar across a range of its confectionery products from 2018 onwards. The company expects to provide more details about the first roll-out of reduced sugar confectionery sometime next year.