Eucalyptus pulp maker invests in cellulose nanocrystals


In Montreal, Brazilian eucalyptus pulp maker Fibria has invested CAD$5.3 million in Canadian cellulose nanocrystals company CelluForce and  gained exclusive distribution rights to the nanomaterial in South America. The two companies will also collaborate to develop new cellulose nanocrystal applications, while Fibria gains exclusive rights to partner with CelluForce and build cellulose nanocrystal production plants in South America.

Fibria says the partnership is in line with its efforts to diversify its biorefining business. CelluForce says the deal expands its reach and validates its production technology. “Fibria did a thorough technical, financial and commercial due diligence as part of its selection process before deciding on CelluForce; the partnership confirms our global industry leadership position,” says Sebastien Corbeil, President and CEO of CelluForce.

Other CelluForce investors include Domtar, Schlumberger, and FPInnovations. CellulForce operates a 300 tons/year plant at Domtar’s Windsor, Quebec mill.