UK funds program that pairs bioscience PhD students with industry


In Scotland, the Industrial Biotechnology Innovation Centre has been awarded GBP2.7 million by the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council’s Collaborative Training Partnership to provide 27, four-year doctoral scholarships. Seventeen of the scholarships will focus on industrial biotechnology and bioenergy, while 10 others will earmarked for students pursuing the development of “world-class underpinning bioscience,” such as synthetic biology, biocatalysis, and biotransformation. The funds comprise over a third of the BBSRC’s funds allocation for industrial biotechnology and bioenergy.

Each student will receive just under GBP100,000. The funds will be used for course fees and a stipend, as well as GBP5,000 annually as a Research Training Support Grant. The students will also be paired with industry partners, including Ingenza, for 3-18 months.

“The program is unique in offering students collaborative projects at the interface between academic and industrial R&D as well as training in entrepreneurship and management skills,” says Ian Fotheringham, managing director at Ingenza.