Search Results for 'Phone Number '

Super clear, super thin, super durable: Zymergen bends it like Beckham, electronics-wise 

Super clear, super thin, super durable: Zymergen bends it like Beckham, electronics-wise 

April 6, 2020 |

Move over, Impossible Whopper. Zymergen has made an impossible material, and something almost as rare in the biobased world, you can actually order it the day you first hear about it. Yep, Zymergen’s running the best play that you’d ever find in the Steve Jobs playbook, the “it’s insanely great, and call now to order” […]

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The 7 Pillars of Technology Breakthrough: Novozymes’ innovations in yeast show the new way

The 7 Pillars of Technology Breakthrough: Novozymes’ innovations in yeast show the new way

March 10, 2020 |

Over the years we have run 727 different stories around technology or commercial breakthroughs in The Digest — there’s even a venture capital group named Breakthrough Energy Ventures. Let’s explore today — using the recent news from Novozymes about their pioneering advances in yeast — what exactly a breakthrough is, and does. That’s relevant to […]

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What impact do Low Carbon Fuel Standards have on fuel prices?

What impact do Low Carbon Fuel Standards have on fuel prices?

February 17, 2020 |

There are horse whisperers and there are fuel price whisperers. The latter, they beguile us with their charts and tables and reports and white papers and studies, generally aimed at making fuel prices seem awfully complex, when they’re actually not too tough to figure. These days some fuel price whisperers I know have taken aim […]

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From the Other Side: Bio-Fuels Co-Products

From the Other Side: Bio-Fuels Co-Products

February 3, 2020 |

By Matthew L. Gibson, Ph.D., Lee Enterprises Consulting, Inc. Special to The Digest “I’ve looked at clouds from both sides now” – Joni Mitchell I’ve been in the ethanol industry, directly, for about half of my career.  The other half has been on “the other side”; that is, in the production of human food – […]

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Gevo’s Delta sustainable aviation fuels deal — Holy SAF, Batman, it really worth a billion bucks? 

Gevo’s Delta sustainable aviation fuels deal — Holy SAF, Batman, it really worth a billion bucks? 

December 17, 2019 |

Delta enters offtake agreement with Gevo for 10 million gallons per year of sustainable aviation fuel, creates long-term carbon solution. What does it mean? In Colorado and Georgia, Delta signed a take-or-pay deal to purchase 10 million gallons per year of advanced renewable biofuels from Gevo. Sustainable aviation fuels provide significant environmental benefits because the […]

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Whose side is Trump on?  The fight continues…corn country and oil country still battling it out in Washington, DC

Whose side is Trump on? The fight continues…corn country and oil country still battling it out in Washington, DC

November 10, 2019 |

As if it wasn’t crazy enough already all around the U.S. politically, it’s getting even more crazy in D.C. where the battle continues over the RFS. It’s a back and forth game of Trump’s promises to help farmers and agriculture and support ethanol and biofuels, EPA giving small refinery waivers to big oil companies, then […]

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Heavenly Trash – Dream in the sky or bringing it down to earth?  Cielo and the future of waste to renewable diesel

Heavenly Trash – Dream in the sky or bringing it down to earth? Cielo and the future of waste to renewable diesel

August 31, 2019 |

Cielo – it means “sky” in Spanish but some also use the word Cielo to refer to Heaven, bringing with it images of stunning white puffy clouds filled with clean air and hope. So it’s an appropriate name for Cielo Waste Solutions. After all they are taking trash and converting it into something valuable – […]

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What to do in an increasingly paperless society? Stora Enso adapts and innovates with 3 big announcements on being ‘fit for the future’

What to do in an increasingly paperless society? Stora Enso adapts and innovates with 3 big announcements on being ‘fit for the future’

July 20, 2019 |

Lots of announcements coming in over the last few days from Stora Enso, from their EUR 10 million (about $11.2 million) investment in a pilot facility for producing bio-based carbon materials based on lignin to their Q2 financial reporting. And it doesn’t end there! They initiated a feasibility study for a possible cross laminated timber […]

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Miscanthus BBQ fuel, microalgae, new bioreactor for fermentation, cacao bean waste to beer, soy shoes, and more: The Digest’s Top 10 Innovations for the week of June 7th

Miscanthus BBQ fuel, microalgae, new bioreactor for fermentation, cacao bean waste to beer, soy shoes, and more: The Digest’s Top 10 Innovations for the week of June 7th

June 6, 2019 |

As we turn the corner from spring to summer, the pace of bioeconomy invention and change continues at a frenetic pace. Here are the top innovations for the week of June 7th In today’s Digest, miscanthus BBQ fuel, microalgae, new bioreactor for fermentation, cacao bean waste to beer, soy shoes — these and more, ready […]

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Owner’s Engineer – Help bridging the commercialization gap

Owner’s Engineer – Help bridging the commercialization gap

May 15, 2019 |

By Mark Warner, PE, Founder, Warner Advisors LLC Special to The Digest At a basic level, an owner’s engineer is an experienced consultant brought onto the project team with a deep understanding of both the industry being supported and experience working with engineering and construction firms, thus able to represent the company interest. Commonly, it […]

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