Marubeni coordinates first supply of SAF based on the co-processing pathway within Japan

June 25, 2024 |

In Japan, Marubeni said it has begun supplying SAF produced by the co-processing pathway, which processes petroleum-derived and bio-based feedstocks simultaneously, within Japan. Marubeni procured SAF derived from vegetable oil that was produced by HD Hyundai Oilbank, a Korean oil refining company, at its refinery, and supplied it to All Nippon Airways Co., Ltd. at the Chiba terminal of Marubeni Ennex Co., Ltd., a wholly owned subsidiary of Marubeni. This is the first time that SAF based on the co-processing pathway has been supplied within Japan, Marubeni said. The firm explained that the co-processing pathway is a method used to produce partly bio-derived petroleum products by mixing petroleum-derived and bio-derived feedstock such as vegetable oil and inputting them into existing refinery units. It added that existing units can be used to co-process feedstock without large-scale renovation work, thus allowing for lower capital investment expenditures and an earlier start of SAF production.

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Category: SAF

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