Belgium’s Wallonia region launches tender to develop hydrogen valley

June 14, 2024 |

In the UK, H2 News reported that a tender for the development of a hydrogen valley in Belgium’s Wallonia region has been announced by the Walloon Administration.

Published on May 29 2024, submissions must be completed by 21 June. The valley concept will encompass a comprehensive ecosystem where hydrogen production, storage and usage are all integrated and it will act as a pioneer model for other regions, according to the report.

The objective of the tender is to find an ideal partner to assist the Walloon Administration in governance structure, hydrogen valley development and stakeholder engagement, it added.

Bidders of the tender will be required to demonstrate expertise in hydrogen production, storage, transport and distribution to the Walloon Administration.

The successful bidder will work with the government to establish a clear governance model dedicated to the hydrogen sector, including policies, standards and regulatory framework to facilitate the transition, according to the report.

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