Search Results for 'cheap flights '

Study finds running a hydrogen plane could be cheaper than traditional aircraft by 2035

Study finds running a hydrogen plane could be cheaper than traditional aircraft by 2035

May 25, 2023 |

In Belgium, Transport & Environment reported that hydrogen jets could be cheaper to run than fossil fuel planes from 2035 provided kerosene is taxed adequately. In 2035, running planes on hydrogen could be 8% more expensive than using kerosene. But with a tax on fossil jet fuel and a price on carbon, hydrogen planes could […]

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SAF heads into the Big East: India and Turkey to scale up domestic SAF production amid proliferating deployment of bio-based fuels worldwide

SAF heads into the Big East: India and Turkey to scale up domestic SAF production amid proliferating deployment of bio-based fuels worldwide

October 4, 2022 |

By Vinayak Shinde, Global Market Insights Special to The Digest Endorsing the importance of sustainable airlines in achieving net-zero emission goals, the global aviation fuel market is gradually moving from low-carbon to carbon-negative infrastructure. According to a study by Transport and Environment, a European network of NGOs, about 193 out of 230 of some largest global businesses […]

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Victor Tango Foxtrot – The pursuit of affordable Sustainable Aviation Fuels at scale

Victor Tango Foxtrot – The pursuit of affordable Sustainable Aviation Fuels at scale

July 20, 2022 |

In aviation fuels as elsewhere in life, it’s sustainable, affordable, available, pick two out of three. You can find affordable SAF, but not in big volumes. You can find as much unaffordable SAF as you like. as we know, there’s plenty of petroleum-based jet fuel and the carbon numbers are astronomical (a case of “off […]

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The Comment that Silenced the Crowd: Heard on the Floor at ABLC 2022

The Comment that Silenced the Crowd: Heard on the Floor at ABLC 2022

March 21, 2022 |

The din of 700 people dealmaking could not drown out the dialogue heard on the ABLC 2022 floor, which went something like this. Buyer: You sit here, friend. Colleague: All right. Buyer: (to Seller) Morning! Seller: Morning! Buyer: Well, what’ve you got? Seller: There’s meat without the cow, milk without the cow, renewable diesel,  and […]

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Oscar Mayer’s bologna-esque face mask, biobased traffic pillars, Delta airlines’ bamboo, algae-based skis, and more: The Digest’s Top 8 Innovations for the week of February 3rd

Oscar Mayer’s bologna-esque face mask, biobased traffic pillars, Delta airlines’ bamboo, algae-based skis, and more: The Digest’s Top 8 Innovations for the week of February 3rd

February 2, 2022 |

  In what seems like a twisted, alternate universe, famous wiener maker and bologna bliss master, Oscar Mayer, launched a face mask that looks like bologna but is made out of seaweed, witch hazel and collagen (and as clearly marked on their packaging, is not meant to be eaten). If walking around with a bologna-looking […]

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Heard on the Floor at Day 3 of ABLC: 2,834 attendees, Food, Fuel, Fun at ABLC Digital

Heard on the Floor at Day 3 of ABLC: 2,834 attendees, Food, Fuel, Fun at ABLC Digital

July 9, 2020 |

Yes, we said fun. These days hanging out with friends online chatting about food, fuel, fiber, and more is certainly a great way to spend the day. Once again, a day full of content on day 3 of ABLC Digital from 29 speakers that shared the latest news and updates with 578 registered delegates – […]

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The Letters of (Low Carbon) Transit: business aviation and World Energy pard’ner up, via book & claim

The Letters of (Low Carbon) Transit: business aviation and World Energy pard’ner up, via book & claim

January 20, 2020 |

From Houston and elsewhere, Davos-attenders and others news has arrived that World Fuel Services and World Energy have a World Economic Forum Sustainable Aviation Fuel Program designed to increase SAF availability and supply chain efficiency within the industry. The program will be available in time for business jets traveling to the 50th Annual Meeting of […]

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The Kodak Moment: The world’s airlines consider their low-carbon options in an era of flight-shaming

The Kodak Moment: The world’s airlines consider their low-carbon options in an era of flight-shaming

November 19, 2019 |

“If we had no winter, the spring would not be so pleasant: if we did not sometimes taste of adversity, prosperity would not be so welcome.” — Anne Dudley Bradstreet For the airlines, which met this past week in New Orleans for the Sustainable Aviation Fuels Symposium, it’s a Kodak Moment. As in the moment when Kodak […]

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From Take-Off to Offtake – Driving Sustainable Aviation Fuels to Commercial Scale

From Take-Off to Offtake – Driving Sustainable Aviation Fuels to Commercial Scale

January 22, 2019 |

In a tale of two Washingtons, the sustainable aviation fuels movement will gather in Washington state in March and in Washington, D.C. in April to seek breakthroughs in the adoption rate of jet biofuels, which have been stalled for some time between the successful certification/demonstration efforts of the last decade and the widespread deployment which […]

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Year of the Tree, CORSIA fuels, Mabus’ remarks, a breakthrough on woody biomass?: Heard on the Floor at the CAAFI general meeting

Year of the Tree, CORSIA fuels, Mabus’ remarks, a breakthrough on woody biomass?: Heard on the Floor at the CAAFI general meeting

December 11, 2018 |

When the world’s leaders for sustainable aviation fuels have a general meeting the week before the COP24 global climate sessions (this year in Poland), you can bet that the focus will be breaking the “You Can Have Two out of Three Conundrum” of aviation fuels. Which is to say: affordable, available at scale, and sustainable, pick […]

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