Search Results for 'cheap airline tickets under '

10 Hottest Tickets along Algae’s Broadway

10 Hottest Tickets along Algae’s Broadway

September 29, 2013 |

The lights go up for algae’s biggest gathering, the 2013 Algae Biomass Summit. Here are 10 must-sees amidst a bumper crop of top presentations this year along the Great Green Way. You’d like to think that, if algae ever evolve to the point of reading English, they might look back with great pride at the […]

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Renewable fuels and prices survey: the readers speak

Renewable fuels and prices survey: the readers speak

January 1, 2014 |

In our recent survey on renewable fuels and prices, we received quite a mailbox full of comments. The survey, in general, aimed to present a series of social or environmental benefits claimed for biofuels — for readers to consider how much more (or less) they would pay for a fuel that contained those benefits. Please […]

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Beautifying Renewable Fuel Markets with Creative Hedges

Beautifying Renewable Fuel Markets with Creative Hedges

June 14, 2013 |

Obligated parties are having trouble finding low-cost supplies of renewable fuel credits. Advanced biofuels companies are having trouble finding low-cost supplies of investment capital for their first commercial plants. Why not put those two problems together into one solution like SuperRINs? Of all the nightmare scenarios peddled around in the renewable energy business, nothing is […]

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